Finally... a few minutes to sit and do absolutely nothing. Whew!! This weekend has been a whirlwind. School was out on Thursday and Friday and Luke had a friend over. He always enjoys that. We worked, worked and worked more on trying to finish the studio. Wow, will I be glad when that is done. (Larry will probably be happier than me :) The weather Saturday morning was horrendous!! We had 10 inches of rain over the last few days.... That's a lot of water! Our entire front yard looked more like a lake than a yard. The wedding on Saturday went well even with all the bad weather. Everyone made it on time and safely (even with all the road closures). Saturday ended up being beautiful. We can't ask for more than that!! We were very blessed. God gave us the rain we needed and the sunshine we wanted all in the same day. Isn't He great....
I'll try and have a few wedding "teasers" posted in the next few day, so be sure to check back.
All our flowers (azaleas) and trees (apple, peach and nectarine.. we like fruit :) have been so pretty over the last couple of weeks. The blooms are just beautiful. I love this time of year. Here are a couple I wanted to share with you......
Have a wonderful day!!

This time of year always make me remember these verses in the Song of Solomon Chapter 2:11-13
See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.
The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me."